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My mouse stopped working


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Yet amazingly I managed to start up my computer, get to this page and post! Wowswer!

So, I unplugged a coupla usb cables today, and at one point I unplugged and replugged in the phone connection, and now the mouse doesn't work.

It sure seems plugged in, though I can't see back there, I can only go by feel. If I move the desk anymore I'm confident it will fall apart.

Anyone got any ideas?

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I'd get your mouse to pitch in a little. I figure the little bastard could generate enough electricity to power your whole main-frame. Just get going on the wheel, a bit of unatainable cheese or crack in the cage should do the trick, and plug him right into the grid. You're laughing.

You could even start breeding them and put a little colony behind the fridge.

Food for thought anyhow.....

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