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Monday, September 4

THE GRASS (Halifax, NS)




9PM -- 19+ (Limited all-ages)


Pints of Steamwhistle $2.75



They're from Halifax, and have a wicked cool early Dylan thing happening.

Here's what their MySpace says:

As a band, The Grass are a melting pot of musical styles; three chord country, jangley folk-rock, gritty 50s style power chording, mammoth arena rock and spirited do-wop group sing-a-longs all find their place in the music. Inspired by old records and ancient concert footage, the members of The Grass joined together in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia to play music that sounds like all their favorite bands performing simultaneously. While trying to play as often as possible, The Grass have appeared at rock n roll bars, country clubs, art galleries, discos, hunting lodges, museum openings, book readings, graduation ceremonies, lunch hours, and library socials, and they will continue to play whenever they are allowed.

THE SURLY YOUNG BUCKS (I'm in this band)


We're pretty feckin good, if I do say so myself. We made extra sure to include two members of Charlemagne, so as to attract the ladiezzz. Here's what our MySpace has to say (as if I didn't write it):

We all play a bunch of instruments, to varying degrees of success; we all make our best attempts at singing and writing, to varying degrees of success. Our heroes are The Band and Neil Young. We call it folk-/country-/roots-rock and roll. It's a down-home country boy's soul music, and we hope you like it.


I think this picture says it all (thanks phorbesie :D):


Seriously, though, $2.75 pints of Steamwhistle on Mondays at Casbah.

Link recap:



I do believe I have mastered the official whiteymuseum method of show posting.

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jager for example is gross, ha....but i do partake in the shot/cocktail combo whenever i get a refill at that bar, don't you worry.

it's just that as a non beer drinker i find the beer specials and lack of specials on cocktails at most bars frustrating. i miss 2.50 cocktails in toronto.

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Everybody that I know except for Alexis seems to be going crazy for the $2.75 pint...nobody even really cares that I'm playing. Oh well, the beer can draw them in to witness our awesome rock power.

Sidenote, Peterborough's The Sweet Homewreckers have been added to the bill. Fuckin sweet night Hammertown, get your asses down to Casbah!

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Ok, update. No more Sweet Homewreckers. The bill is now just The Grass and The Bucks. But that means...

(1) There is now NO COVER!

(2) The show is now going to be in the Casbah lounge!

We're pretty pumped, we're excited to rock to this little room. Planning to record our set. Come on down, now there's NO excuse!

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whoa, the students sure were out in full force last night! That lounge was packed to the teets!

I caught a bit of your set revinator and you guys were pretty good! were you playing your pedal dealy? i couldn't see you over the crowd!

i'm wondering with the move to the lounge if that many people were expected?

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Wow, didn't even see you Alexis. Thanks for coming, in any event. That place sure was rammed full. We weren't really sure how many to expect. It was nice to play to a room bursting at the seams though.

I play pedal steel with the Bucks, but also drums and guitar. We move around a lot on the instruments.

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