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Good Cup Bad Cup: How to Survive in Latte Land


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Came across an article on CBC that referenced this report. Pretty frightening thing to read if you're a double-whole-milk-frappachino-with-two-squirts-of-vanilla type drinker. I drink my coffee black but I admit that if I find myself in a Starbuck's I tend to order a venti non-fat latte.

From the report...

The coffee, espresso, and tea that Europeans sip in their cafés hasn’t changed much over the years. But stop at a coffee house in Canada (there are probably two on the next block) and that 10-calorie beverage has likely morphed into a 500-calorie milkshake. Here’s how to keep your coffee break from turning into a Big Mac break.


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We got a health newsletter a little while ago that went all over this, and it reminded me how happy I am to always drink my coffee black. It also lets me feel even greater righteous indignation when I have a dozen people in front of me ordering coffees with more components in them than a standard nuclear device when all I want is my bloody caffeine fix.

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It also lets me feel even greater righteous indignation when I have a dozen people in front of me ordering coffees with more components in them than a standard nuclear device when all I want is my bloody caffeine fix.

but ya still have to wait for them. :( and they tend to come in groups - chatty, oblivious, indecisive groups. :crazy:

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I'm going to try to boycott all the coffee conglomorates. This has occurred to me the last few years and I've been making an effort to support all the little stores and shops when I need stuff rather than the super-stores. I live downtown as well so this isn't so bad. Get coffee at the Locke Street cafe, do my grocery shopping at Goodness Me, etc. So, alas, no more Starbucks unless I find myself desperate and standing in front of their Barista. :S

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