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Okonokos DVD review from Harp Magazine


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I'm going to review this sucker myself, but I'll have to wait until next week. At least the album rocks.

Harp reivew:

* My Morning Jacket

Okonokos 120 minutes ATO/RCA

My Morning Jacket, Okonokos

Some say there are two distinctly separate My Morning Jackets: MMJ in the studio and MMJ live. That’s because the albums, from 1999’s The Tennessee Fire through 2005’s stellar Z, are gorgeous feasts of song and sonics. Live, the Louisville quintet has a third dimension: an intense sincerity (or sincere intensity?) that amplifies the already involving tunes. It’s intangible, almost on a separate plane, yet right in your face.

So Okonokos, recorded over two nights at the legendary Fillmore, has an appropriately fantastic, otherworldly atmosphere. The concert film begins with a Victorian–era gathering of socialites, from which one—a man clad in top hat, tails and a creepy Rollie Fingers 'tache—departs to investigate a glow in the forest. Accompanied by his alpaca companion, he parts a curtain of foliage to reveal MMJ commencing performance. He takes in the crowd, some dressed as fairies and ballroom dancers, and tries to blend in, bobbing his head to the tunes.

Meanwhile, from a stage bedecked to resemble a forest (and the band fuzzy woodland creatures), My Morning Jacket weaves a supremely inspired performance. Starting with the soul stirring “Wordless Chorus,†the band communicates virtually only through song, achieving a rapport with the celluloid crowd (and its crasher) that extends beyond the screen. Its beauty is unmatched by any other concert film in recent memory and as such deserves your undying reverence and awe.

Special features: None that we could see on our cut-down super-advance release—but trust us: Okonokos’ main program is plenty satisfying. A double-live CD is being released separately.

—Randy Harward

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