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Good Pot Article


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Drug dealers are planting pot farms all over our national parks, and the Park Service is struggling to root them out. TIME goes on a raid

this is horrible effort on teh rangers part i think.....


. But propane tanks, coils of irrigation hose and food cans were left behind. "We don't have the manpower to get the garbage out," says Mark as she rips open plastic bags and tosses tortillas into the bushes.

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how long is this war on drugs going to continue?

sick. [Mad][Frown][Mad][Confused]

rangers pack out some weed as evidence but leave all the garbage - in the same paragraph as a description of the ecological damage of these grows. bullSHIT! [Mad]

it's a plant, let it be. no guns necessary.

no imported workers necessary either...

what a mess that country is making. they are BLIND to the effects of their decisions and actions. [Frown][Confused][Mad]

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