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Souljazz in Hull on Saturday


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The Souljazz Orchestra is playing at Le Petit Chicago in Hull on Saturday night. The doors open at 9pm, and it's $10 at the door. I was there for a Mr. Something Something show back in March, and liked the place a lot: it's a funky little bistro/club, with an intimate (nice/upscale) feel and a good selection of Quebec micro-beers. :)

Anybody else up for this?



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Brad, I got your message about that and heading to Le Petit Chicago is under consideration. I guess it depends on how our night unfolds.

It's definately a great location...especially for me and ms.hux. We can roll down the hill (steamroller style) home, it's so close.

We got good and trashed last summer seeing Mr.SS there, and we biked. We weren't tooooo trashed, but the ride home required no peddling. Just steer the bike straight down the hill. The momentum was enough to carry us pretty much home ;)

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You should've been there bouche, they put on a great show. They started early (like 9:40pm), did three sets (the first two about 40 minutes each, the last about 60 minutes with two encore songs, including a repeat of a song from the first set because the crowd was screaming for it :) ), and got the crowd dancing (including couples actually dancing with each other), even to the point of friends on the floor pulling their friends who were sitting up onto the floor. Add in Belle Guelle and Coup de Grisou on tap, have the show end early (like 1:30am), and I'm just about funned out.



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