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Any Beagel owners/dog experts out there?


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Anyone have any advice on how to get that nasty hound smell out of my house. I just recently moved to a house that is mostly carpet. After we moved my allergies went haywire. Well now my allergies have calmed down and my sense of smell is back, I wish it was gone.

The dog doesnt mark or have accidents in the house at all, she just smells of that nasty hound smell. Burnin incense isnt an option because of the kiddos and I hate febreeze. Any ideas anyone??

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Anyone have any advice on how to get that nasty hound smell out of my house.

move? ;)

try steam cleaning, or pick up a carpet disinfectant at PetValu, that may help. but once the allergens are in the carpet, i don't think you have any choice but to remove it altogether, if you have health concerns. thats what we did. masking the scent wont have any effect on the allergens in the carpet. reducing the humidity in the house can also help lessen the smell.

and ask your vet for a good shampoo for your dog. they make fancy herbal shampoos now. our dog has been sprayed by skunks a couple of times, so I can relate to stinky dog problems. ugh.

good luck. nothing worse than stinky dog smell, as much as ya love them. :)

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I have an ozone generator that isnt currently in use ;) I dont think its safe to be running that with kids running around though.

move? ;)

try steam cleaning, or pick up a carpet disinfectant at PetValu, that may help. but once the allergens are in the carpet, i don't think you have any choice but to remove it altogether, if you have health concerns. thats what we did. masking the scent wont have any effect on the allergens in the carpet. reducing the humidity in the house can also help lessen the smell.

and ask your vet for a good shampoo for your dog. they make fancy herbal shampoos now. our dog has been sprayed by skunks a couple of times, so I can relate to stinky dog problems. ugh.

good luck. nothing worse than stinky dog smell, as much as ya love them. :)

I tried a disinfectant and it didnt really do much. It made it smell like dog smell with sunshine and roses mixed into it.

My old place was all hardwood so this was never an issue because I mopped the floor every other day. Days like today when its damp and the air pressure is low are the worst. I'm going back too all hardwood but I cant do it till after christmas.

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i have a beagle, he never stunk up my house.

first, i'd try stem cleaning the carpets, rent then maching from lablaws for the day.

2 if you dont like febreeze, which doesnt really work anyways, try on of the powders that you sprinkle in the carpet before you vacume, i just that in my basement once a week, but thats to cover the smell of any accidents eother of my dogs have.

3 if the dog smells, try washing it more often, i give me beagle a bath about once a month, they also sell like perfume spray for dogs at pets mart, i have soe its pretty good, smells like baby powder and make there fur really soft.

and if its a house you just moved into and none of that works i'd say start looking to move or rip up the carpet, i just bought a house and when i moved in my dogs went crazy pising everywhere and stuff, the old owners didnt have any pets, but when i ripped up the carpet t put in the wood floors, i found millions of stains under the carpet, so you never really know

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I don't have a dog, but I have guinea pigs, which can be pretty stinky if they want to be. I have an Ionic Breeze air filter in the room with them, and also those odor eating things from the dollar store. It comes in a little plastic tub, it's supposed to just absorb odour. I also spray the carpet with arm&hammer petfresh carpet deodorizer or something like that every time I vaccuum in there..

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