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Some day, you'll look back on this and laugh.


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So the thread about good gift ideas got me thinking about my brother and how much of a jerk he is, but how endearing it is.

So I have a question for everyone: what do you look back on and laugh about, now that it's history.

Here's mine:

My favourite toy when I was little (about five or six) was my black cabbage patch kid, whom I called Floyd. My brother Mike used to lynch him from the shower curtain rod, so when I sat down to pee I'd look up and see Floyd hanging right in front of my face.

My brother is obviously twisted, but really, that's kind of funny.

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So I have a question for everyone: what do you look back on and laugh about, now that it's history.

almost every thing ,especially with one sister

she was a teacher and when she came home at night out father had a big gate which he kept closed she would blow the horn and we had to run and open the gate, and she drove through like queen victoria, then we closed it.

now why and hell would we do that but i laugh so hard as i can see her as plain as day yet

it was a grey austin

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