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when did the Globe turn left?


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i used to delivery the Brampton Daily Times when I was a kid. my sister delivered the Globe and Mail. hers were a lot thicker and full of all sorts of gibberish about business and politics and stuff that just looked boring. mine had colour comics on weekends. she got better christmas tips. i got cookies.

when did the Globe turn left? it used to be sooo right.

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The Globe has generally been pretty balanced, and is definately the paper of record in Canada. The editorial position has been centre/centre-left for as long as I remember ... funny, I just picked up a G&M this morning for the first time in a long time, though it was a daily addiction of mine for years.

If it ever consciously lurched leftward, I imagine it had something to do with the unapologetic conservativism (and Canadian Alliance connections) of the National Post and trying to stake out unique ground.

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i've always found the globe to be a bit schizophrenic. half the time they are on the left of a given debate, but then when the editorial staff let loose, they come across as tighty righties.

terence corcoran comes to mind. i try not to read his columns, they angry up my blood.

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