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RATDOG in Vancouver - Feb 18, 2007


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This recording is killer. Perfect sound.

Did anyone else think it was a little early for Bobby to be rockin the short shorts?

The only negative part of the show I thought was that the lead guitar player would let the energy level drop with almost every solo he took. I thought a lot of that could be remedied by having his solos come before the keyboard player (who was totally sick and wound the crowd into a frenzy every time he took the lead).

Bobby forgot a few lyrics too which was unfortunate but didn't take away from the show.

Oh yeah, boooo to the drunken asshole that was gropping at my girlfriend on the dancefloor. Way to ruin the buzz you deuchbag sex offender in tyedye.

Apart from that though it was awesome. I even found a bar stool to the left of the stage where I could rest my leg and have easy access to alcohol.

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