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Blues Traveler: new CD and downloads!

Mr. Musicface

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Hey hey! So the new Blues Traveler CD Truth Be Told officially hits stores today, but of course here in lovely Ontario you'll be hard pressed to find a store open on this beautiful Simcoe Day, so I guess I'm waiting 'til tomorrow to get my copy.

In the mean, I was checking out the updated bluestraveler.com site and noticed links to MP3 downloads. To my delight, I found they now have 3 complete shows in MP3 for free!


Also, if you've never checked out the studio tracks that were part of the aborted concept album, they're definitely worth a listen as well.


Mr. M.

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Originally posted by Jaimoe:

Still pimpin' Blues Traveller eh Jay? I hope you're getting some kick-back?

Hey, somebody's gotta do it, they get no promo otherwise. And the current line-up that most people have never heard kicks the hell out of most bands around.

BTW went to Ed's at Yonge and Eg yesterday, they actually were open but they said the CD was on order. Gonna try CD Replay today, remember everyone, support local retail!

- M.

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I urge everyone to check out the new Blues Traveler CD. I caught them in Fort Wayne before Deer Creek and they were tight and the new tunes were excellent. I have been seeing them since about 96 and the new lineup is excellent. I still miss Bobby on the bass, but Tad the new bassist and the keyboard player - Ben Wilson - are oth excellent additions.

BT have one of the best jammy sounds around and they have been kicking ass in concert for 15 years! They are playing fairly small venues still so you should try to check them out as soon as you can.


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Here here Colin! We also caught them before Deer Creek in Cleveland, and it was a great show! I've seen them a bunch of times with this line-up, and they've put on some amazing shows. I hope they make it back up to Canada soon, I was hoping they'd be part of the Bluesfest line-up again but I guess not.

- M.

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