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Priestess @ Mavericks January 18th


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This riff-heavy, Montreal-based retro stoner pop quartet is one of the more pop-oriented bands to come out of the mid-ought's metal resurgence. Their appealing music is proof that at least a few hipsters wearing '80s metal tees actually listened to the music made by bands who got Frank Frazetta to draw their record covers. This remixed and remastered version of the group's debut proves that while the dudes may not yet be masters of their genre, they're certainly adept students. Priestess are willing to mix and match from some of the best: Zeppelin, Priest, Leppard, Lizzy, even Heep. Take "Everything That You Are": its fuzz distortion solo starts out all early '70s (melodic and slow) then it goes into overdrive and gets early '80s on you in an instant (flashy arpeggios and screaming licks). The group has strong songs and all, but they could use either more self-consciousness, or less. Right now, that tongue-in-cheek business is kind of harshing all of our buzzes. --Mike McGonigal
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