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Turin Brakes?


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Is anyone familiar with these guys? If I'm not mistaken, their music is only released in England. (Shain?)

I have heard one tune, "Ether Song", which sounds like a very polished Ween, or maybe Ugly Casanova.

This one song, at least, is very cool.

Any comments on these guys?

Again, Shain, lookin' at you...

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I discovered Turin Brakes through some soundtrack album-I want to say Garden State but thats not it.I think it may have been an O.C soundtrack.(Funny thing is I have never,ever seen an episode of the O.C). Anyway,although the above info may throw my estimation of them into disrepute,I like them.Moody, edgy,brit pop basically-good soundtrack for pouting at yourself in the mirror.I don't really get the "polished Ween vibe "from them.More of a Starsailor crossed with The Coral with something with a bit of edge to it thrown in-the Libertines maybe? Self indulgent and moody,melodic and humble and some dirty british raucousness about describes it

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