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how FASHIONABLE are you?


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I work in Retail...I sell women’s clothing...

Fashion is odd, subconscious...and sometimes down right scary..(like those Timberland hiking boots with the stiletto heel on them)

Fashions like pot...we all do it..and in any quantity, it's all gooood...

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ITS EVERYWHERE in our youth dominated appearence centered culture... no matter who you are, who you think you want to be, who you do, who you wish you could do, or what band you go to see.

fashion is the melting pot of our popular subconciousness. Fashion is music and clothes. Its the storys & lies we tell our friends. Its the popular opinion of our culture and its a tool we use to fit in with other humans. Its often the gauge that we use to judge the worthiness of our peers and ourselves.

i dont care if your fashion is 'non-fashion' its still fashion. that goes for the punks, the hippies, the yuppies and the yippies.

our 'scene's' fashion is 'non-conformist' right? WRONG!!! Our fashion CONFORMS to our groups narrow, exclusive asthetic. Thats why buddys wife in the fine leather jacket felt out of place at Come Together Fest. She was the big non-conformist at that party. Imagine if she showed up in Armani.

Remember how getting the cool toy for christmas made you a very popular 7 year old for the first couple of days back at school after christmas break? thats fashion baby,

Children love to be loved. Children need the acceptance of a social group and need to feel like they belong. Children need EGO SUPPORT. Fashion is a tool for social acceptance.

want to know why most senior citizens seem out of fashion? cause they truly no longer give a fuck. The old guy says 'I dont care what you think of me and my knickers, now fuck off.'

Next time you see that old guy in his Zellers V-neck tucked into his green pants, take a second look. This guy might just be the coolest non-conformist you'll see all day!

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Originally posted by ollie:

I got heckled about being an Alan Jackson fan when I wore a Phil & Friends t-shirt to a Tool concert last year.

I got heckled about being a heavy metal idiot when I wore a Motorhead shirt to a Phil Lesh and Friends show last year. I winked and told them I was really into hip-hop.

I got heckled when I wore a Guided By Voices shirt to the Dead on Friday in Darien by some messed up, dreadlocked dude in the lot. He asked me if I was a cop, despite the fact I was with my wife and we had our four month old son in a carrier with us. I told him yes and that he was under arrest and kept walking.

I'm not too fashionable, I just like what I like and I like to support the artists I like by wearing their shirts. It's too bad when people judge someone on the merit of what they wear. I do find it pretty funny though to have people call me on my non-hippie attire these days though. [big Grin]

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