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Golden Dogs Toronto


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Toronto Golden Dogs review from Chromewaves

For some time now, people have been telling me I need to see The Golden Dogs. And not just the same people, different people. The pitch is generally kind of vague, along the lines of "they play pop-rock music and are a lot of fun" - not exactly an irresistible PR spiel. But this past Friday certain stars converged and I did manage to make it out to see them play their first hometown show in a good while.

I'd been told that The Golden Dogs have a very rabid hometown fanbase and it seemed they were out in full force for this show - Lee's was well and truly packed and the stage decked out in artificial fauna for the occasion. It's a little hard to describe them without conveying the impression that they sound a bit generic, which really isn't fair or accurate. They blend classic pop and rock with a dose of new wave and... well it mostly just sounds like pop-rock, with great energy, fun lyrics, infectious melodicism and the occasional barnburning guitar solo (see the 70s arena rock of "Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five") - simple in concept but tremendous in execution. I had sort of thought that the frantic energy onstage would get exhausting before long but I was right into it for the whole show. I don't really know how else to put it but to say, if The Golden Dogs come through your town anytime soon, you should check them out - they play pop-rock music and are a lot of fun.

Here are the excellent photos from the show


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