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Anyone ever live in Winnipeg?


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I have a question.

You probably heard about a car-theft yesterday in Oakville, during which a thief accidentally took an infant who was within a running mini-van that was warming up in a driveway. Today, the morning deejay on the radio was commenting on this story, and he said that we need a system here "like in Winnipeg, where there is honour among thieves" and he went on to explain that in Winnipeg, thieves will not steal a running car during winter, out of respect for people and the extreme cold of that city.

I find that hard to believe. Is it possible that the same group of losers who have no respect for personal property, do have enough "honour" that they would not steal a car warming up during the cold season?

Anyone ever live in Winnipeg who can comment? (I don't think Ottawa is anywhere near as cold as the 'Peg, so I don't think Ottawa-comments will help, but if any of you have ever heard of this "honour among thieves" in Ottawa, too, feel free to share...)

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I can't speak for Winnipeg, but I remember being told the same thing while in Whitehorse years back.

It was brought up when we had inquired about the truck dealership selling blockheaters and extension cords with each truck.

I can't say I totally believe it though

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