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The Famous Lovers!!!!


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Holy fuck I don't think I could quite do it justice at the moment but I saw a ridiculously good band last night the Famous Lovers. There's this Kazoo music club in Guelph that's basically little indie scenesterish fuckers, it was Green Go's second gig and this unbelievable solo artist Kettle Black (Kettle Black vs. Dave Lauzon would be a killer set!) that does the looping thing with a bass and a couple of guitars and sings but it's not annoying- tres cool. Green Go just killed, all these new tunes Cash Money Gremlins and Mad Man Max and You Know You Want It with a Brains For Breakfast encore. The shit's all on their myspace(Green Go).

But the Famous Lovers opened and just fucking slayed. Such an unbelievably good band it hit me all with the smack of pre-cognition like Pre-ja Vu. Sick sick sick. They have I guess one tune with a really interesting old time video on their myspace but I'm quite certain it doesn't begin to capture them live.

Famous Lovers

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Just trying to find the Kettle Black's myspace and found this asian version of the Pot Calling the (Kettle Black) parable.

Pot Calling Kettle Black

Mencius said to King Hui, "Let's use fightings of a battle as an exemple. After a fierce engagement, the soldiers threw down their armnament and retreated.

Some soldiers retreated 50 paces; other 100 paces. Those retreating 50 paces laughed at those who retreated 100 paces. What do you say?"

The King replied, "No. Even if one does not retreat 100 paces, it is retreating nevertheless."

-Conversation with King Hui of Liang, Chap.3


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