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Joe Stiff’s Spiked Root Beer


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Oh yeh basher, they had it at the Beer Fest, I tried it and I'm like "this is just root beer, right?" And they were like "no, it's almost 7%!" A little fightening really... in a wonderful way! [Wink]

BTW, for those looking for a low-cal drinking option, my wife now swears by this "LiteSource" stuff, apparently it's quite un-fatty and tastes pretty much like like a vodka and 7-Up.

- M.

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brian- we're having a shindig at our Guelph pad this saturday and would love to have you down- we even have plenty of crash space and stuff so come get silly!

if ya want!

we'll be listening to the new nero disc and lots of ween etc....great streo- good extras and friends!

come on down!

tell passed out guy and gal (since they aren't as online anymore!)

hope ta see ya!


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