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qod - 08/18/03


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What does "Having musical talent" mean to you? For someone to have musical talent, do they have to be able to sing? Play an instrument? Keep a beat?

Conversly, if someone is a good singer, and plays a mean piano do the neccessarily have musical talent?

I myself think my wife is extremely talented musically. She can sing very well, and can pick out and sing harmonies in music. She can't play an instrument, and she has never written a song. She has never had any real form of training, and knows nothing about musical theory. She can however tell the difference between major and minor chords by listening (happy vs sad).


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Talent is the the term used to describe a persons collective artistic training, whether it be through instruction or self-taught. While I will concede that some people have an easier time of it than others, it boils down to the result of effective, sustained practise.

Gifted is a whole other can 'o worms. Nothing pisses me off more than when somebody is described as being 'gifted'. It discounts all of the hard work and dedication that person has put in to their art.

Mozart was not gifted. He was severely learned. He himself said, "People make a mistake who think that my art has come easily to me. Nobody has devoted so much time and thought to composition as I. There is not a famous master whose music I have not studied over and over."

You try studying music all your waking hours since before you were two-years-old without distractions like tv and video games, and see what you write by the time you're six.

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I think that's like saying: What is art? It's subjective. I'm horrible on guitar (despite owning several and playing all the time). I can't sing to save my life (partially because I'm too shy to try it). I know a dozen chords on piano (phhhhttttttt [zubert sound]). However, I wouldn't say that I'm entirely without musical talent. Maybe I'm living an illusion. [Wink]

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What does "Having musical talent" mean to you? For someone to have musical talent, do they have to be able to sing? Play an instrument? Keep a beat?

Conversly, if someone is a good singer, and plays a mean piano do the neccessarily have musical talent?

Well, I think having "musical talent" is one thing but having musical taste and ability are quite different things.

If you can keep a 4/4 beat while tapping a pencil against a table, or hum a tune, there's some ability there. If you can realize to some degree that ability (learning a few chords, etc.), you have talent (bear in mind some people couldn't keep a beat or form a chord to save their lives). The next step, as important as the talent, is musical taste.

I think taste and talent trump pure ability in most cases. Which is why I'm happier to hear The Ramones pound out a 3-chord minute-and-a-half no-brainer than, say, The Tea Party. [Wink]

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Originally posted by MarcO:

I think taste and talent trump pure ability in most cases. Which is why I'm happier to hear The Ramones pound out a 3-chord minute-and-a-half no-brainer than, say, The Tea Party.

I couldn't agree with you more Marc. Long live the memories and music of Dee Dee and Joey! Death to The Tea Party.

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