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Phish and The Dead In Toronto!!??!!


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Why today?????????

Man, b/c 11 yrs ago a friend of mine was good enough to curse me.

The dreaded Elvis curse. There hasn't been a day go by since then that I haven't thought of elvis.

He is everywhere!!!!! It is impossible to go a day w/o thinking about elvis. Sure a few days here and there, but more or less the guy is fuckin everywhere.

Good luck

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Well, I suspected that there may be someone who would find humour in a senseless, unintelligent comment regarding the above stated flattery. When you picked up my comment and re-directed me to another web-site (which one by the way?), I felt that you had found that humour. Basically, I am silly, and I think the word 'pedoorkie' sounds very funny.

That's all for now. [Razz]

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