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caveman at c'est what next wednesday


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Hey aromatherapy, how's it going? Were you at CTMF? I think I totally missed you, sorry - or else I did meet you and don't remember which sometimes happens to me at CTMF, if so also sorry! [Eek!][Wink]

Anyway, just to clarify - it's actually CAVERN http://www.cavernmusic.com who are playing at C'est What next Wednesday, not CAVEMAN http://www.cavemanlove.com/

(Cavern is also opening that night for some band called UNCLE SETH, who apparently are pretty good despite having an ugly, ugly harmonica player.)


Mr. M.

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(Cavern is also opening that night for some band called UNCLE SETH, who apparently are pretty good despite having an ugly, ugly harmonica player.)

LOL LOL LOL - Hey Jay when's your next weekend show in the Tdot? I haven't been able to get to a weekday show in a while (I know, I've been wearing Sissy Pants for a while now).


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Originally posted by frescolopez:

Hey Jay when's your next weekend show in the Tdot? I haven't been able to get to a weekday show in a while (I know, I've been wearing Sissy Pants for a while now).

Nice Mike! [Wink] Hmmm, not sure actually, we've got a few out of town bookings but nothing in TO booked after this - except for a short set at the Veggie Food Fest on the 14th, of all things! That should be fun.

Hopefully we'll seeya sometime soon bro.


Mr. M.

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