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Help!! I need people for a kids art project!!


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Every year about this time I do a collaborative art project for National Child Day and this year I am swamped with things so I need a little help!!

BTW....National Child Day was proclaimed by the Canadian government on March 19, 1993 to commemorate the ratification of the 1990 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention remains the most widely adopted international human rights instrument with 192 nations having ratified its principles. Canada celebrates National Child Day as a participant in an international effort to recognize, celebrate and protect the fundamental rights of children as citizens around the globe.

The deal this year is "The Traveller Project", hopefully designed to encourage learning about the planet and promote awareness of career paths centred on the arts, social justice and public service.Ten unique and original fabric art “monstersâ€, named by local children(who will also be learning to make them for themselves) and created by a local textile artist, are to be paired with ten flesh and blood companions. The companions are responsible for taking the monsters on at least one journey, of which they send written word and hopefully photographs to a central email. The information received will be formatted onto a blog, http://thetravellerproject.ning.com/ , upon which children can track the travels of the ten monsters. The goal of the project is to engage children in an exploration of the different geography and cultures of the planet as well as the different career paths of the companions.(It's in partnership with the The Collingwood Public Library through the Ministry of Culture)

Initial companions will be chosen with a bias towards those engaged in the arts, social activism or public service in order to underline the viability and societal importance of these vocational choices.

This is an outgrowth of a longterm project working with kids in crisis and giving them the tools to use immersion in the arts as both a coping mechanism and a career path.

If anyone can help by volunteering themselves or someone they know to be one of the intial ten companions I would be grateful!! Being in Ontario /Canada for about the month following Nov 20 helps as it keeps my postage fees down,and knowing you are going on a trip shortly there after helps as it propels the project faster and retains the kids interest.

All the companion has to do is take the thing with them somewhere, send atleast one email/pictures etc to show where the creature went, and then pass it on to someone with the same obligation.

The stories/travels are to be published as a book/teachers kit next year by the local library so the project can be duplicated anywhere.Whcih also means the companions have to be ok with publication of their name,image , and basic bio info.

Thanks and let me know!!

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Huge board thanks to shainhouse for being a project participant and for Stone Mtn for his help.

If any teachers want a project guide and invite for their students just let me know..they are free and I am more than happy to pass them on!

Familiar names on here for most of us..

The initial ten companions are

Scott Cook Musician/Activist/Poet/Teacher

Scott Cook

Natalie Stephenson Ecopreneur/Activist

Heart on Your Sleeve

Chad Meacham Photographer/Teacher

Charles Meacham

Coco Love Alcorn Musician /Bicycle

Coco Love Alcorn

Jon Papernick Author/Journalist/Professor

Jon Papernick

Melissa Meretsky Musician/Percussionist/Artist

Wassabi Collective

Dub 9 Design

Michelle Lynn Johnson Artist/Entrepreneur

The Fairies Pjamas

Oni the Haitian Sensation Poet/Slam


McGilligan books

Allison Crowe Musician/Record Label

Allison Crowe

Shain Shapiro Journalist/Record Label Partner


Last Press Label

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