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Another tech question

Rob Not Bob

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i have the same deal with a lot of downlowded shows. they sound way better on the stereo.

I was at Mavericks one night, and before the band started, the sound guy had one of my nero recordings running through the PA, at nearly show volume. My jaw was on the floor: I had heard it through not-great headphones, cheezy PC speakers, and even my home stereo, but hearing come though a big PA (the same PA as was blasting it originally) was astounding. (And yes, I recorded a bit of, just as a sound check, y'understand... ;) )



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I had something like this happening after I bought the PC I have now, turned out my audio cards (Xear 3D) default speaker setting didn't match with my speaker set-up. By default it was set to a seven speaker setting and I was only using four, once I fixed that, the echo was gone. Might be worth checking out your audio card setting.

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