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Am I just a fuÇking idiot?


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realizing first off that I'm opening myself up so that you can be 'smarter and better than me' is this worth discussion(?): supposedly the only US Presidential candidate that isn't owned by big business and banking interests is (rep) Ron Paul.

In my eyes that supercedes any partisan affiliation.

Is this an important issue to you? Would it sway your vote?

or am I an idiot for not liking a more leftistly correct candidate? If so why is this more important?

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I just noticed how CNN chose for Ron Paul the weakest dumbest looking photo for the campaign '08 website.

Ridiculous. He supports the Gov't having less control over civil liberties and the people having more power...I would presume this is exactly the reason that big media would paint him as a fool.

He's way righty but check him out on the issues.


Dr. Paul seems like a really nice guy. I'm almost suprised that he's a politician. His message is one of freedom and he almost seems suprised to be doing as well as he is. He sort of reminds me of Dion.

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I was watching/listening to him on various You Tube videos for atleast a half hour last night. I do not think I have ever been able to listen to a politician for more than five minutes before wanting to (insert comment here)... I like him a lot. Among other things when was the last time you heard a politician talking about real BUDGET CUTS. Refreshing. The Old part of the solution not part...

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It is obvious that he or she with the most cash and therefore exposure get the media's attention.

Your unknown...not even bothering to go back and look here....is unknown for some very obvious reasons so yes....you are a fucking idiot for getting worked up about it.


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Also reminding you of Dion is not exactly a positive is it?

Dion is a bit of a bumbling idiot from my vantage point and nowhere near a leader.

You think it's easy to make priorities...shut up man....you're a big boy who knows that you'll have to do it. Exposing that level of befuddlement on national television is no way to act as a leader.

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Perhaps you can point out how peoples' typical voting priorities (money) have really ever been specifically fulfilled.

Lower GST?

My comparison to Dion is more of a personal one, not a professional one. harper or layton don't seem to be people I'd meet buying groceries.

I'm not at all suprised that the media specifically doesn't mention him. I also don't mind pointing it out.

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