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beef tenderloin suggestions?


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My wife invited some work friends over for dinner. I bought a huge AA beef tenderloin. I'm thinking of just steaking them up, wrapping them in bacon and grilling them. Being as they are only AA, I'm looking to infuse some flavor. Any suggestions out there?

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Yeah- I've asked for suggestions before. I often get whole beef tenderloins from work for great prices. I was just looking for some inspiration.

I ended up steaking it, marinating it in olive oil, rosemary and salt and pepper and wrapping it in bacon. They were pretty damn good. With the end piece I did some beef carpaccio. You take off the sided muscle and throw it in the freezer for 1.5 hours(ish). Heavily season it and sear it off over super high heat- just enough to get a crust around the outside. Cut it razor thin and serve it on a platter with arugula, parm and olive oil and lemon. Pretty damn tasty! We broke out the good wine and feasted for hours!

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