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Vancouver Island Quakes


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interesting! when i was out there we had about one per year that was noticeable. the first one scared the heck out of me, it woke me up because my door was rattling so much.

i believe the island is on that same fault line that goes all the way down california way. in one of my classes they said there's a 'big one' about every 500 years... i think they said we were at about the 300 year mark.

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The M9 Cascadia Megathrust Earthquake of January 26, 1700

"every 500 years" is an average.

How often do megathrust earthquakes occur?

The recurrence time varies from subduction zone to subduction zone. In the Cascadia subduction zone 13 megathrust events have been identified in the last 6000 years, an average one every 500 to 600 years. However, they have not happened regularly. Some have been as close together as 200 years and some have been as far apart as 800 years. The last one was 300 years ago.

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good researching! i know i was a little off but i am still impressed with my memory since i was in that class about 7 years ago. :)

I remember that exact same stat too from college. I forget the name of the class in Environmental/Civil Engineering, but it was very interesting.

Anyway, I thought since the internet had more info since 1995, that I might find some updated stats. Read the QA on it in that section. It is very interesting.

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