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...why didn't you leave my CDs somewhere in town when you left??

i won't be back for thanksgiving...i dont' know when i'll be back.

if YOU'RE ever back in london, could you please get them to me? if you wont' be back for awhile, could you mail them to me? a few of them aren't mine. I've been waiting for them from you for awhile and still have no clue what's going on with them.


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whoa there fella...I thought you were the one that was grabbin my shit in the first place...remember that? Now, you know I'm in London quite freqently...in fact, I believe the area is somewhere I'll be this up coming week...if you make your way down from that insane-o angry cloud your on, I'll get you your CD's...or mail them to you...whatever...I need my amp and bass back though...I believe you've had those even longer...

May the blessings be,

Gawpo Giggles [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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I'm not on an insane-o angry cloud, dude. tone wasn't defined or implied. i just asked a question bluntly.

If i were mad i'd have called you names or used the word disappointed.

i didn't know you're back frequently.

All i knew is that often times i forget to ask for things back and often times people forget to give me things back.

re: me getting your stuff, i never got a call about it. that was part of the plan and since it never happened(not even a message on the machine) then the plan couldn't go through.

Next time i guess i'll have to flower it up. didn't figure i did since i figured we're buds but if creative writing is what it takes, i'll be a bit livelier, buddy boy! The bass is at my folks' place and the amp is here in London.

Sorry bout the confusion dude but if i were pissed you'd know it. i'd have made an effort to call your place at a reasonable hour and stressed it several times. As well, for me to be angry about it, i'd have to have gotten the run around about it and i don't believe you were less than heavenly civil to me regarding pretty much everyhting we've dealt with up to this point in our friendship(this point is a quarter after 1 in the morning on october 1, 2003...the cd/moving thing's happened prior to this moment)

how's the out of doors treating ya??

drop me a line you sensitive beast!

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No sensitivity here, its this goddamn rash I'm...perhaps a bit too much info for the skank folks there...anyways, it's a whole lot easier to e-mail me then to post something on this board...I've only been checking it to get an e-mail address and that hasn't even worked...well, it has but not the way I planned it.

Anyways, it was far too late by the time I got my shit from Donna's to leave it anywhere...Jon was SUPPOSED to be at my place this past weekend to help out with some major things here but alas his phone has been disconnected or some shit and I haven't been able to get a hold of him...*could you please get him to call me or e-mail me back if you see him...anyways, I still have your CD's all nicely seperated from mine and ready for Jon to take back to you but my plans will now be averted as I have no idea where Jon is...I AM in Tdot for sure this weekend and I'll see what I can do from there...I may just mail them all the same...

On a more bizarre like topic...I was partying at the pop Montreal festival this weekend when someone walked by me and I couldn't help but think that I know the guy somehow...maybe even played in a band for a short period of time with him...sure enough, it's Lucas "dirty dirty hippy" Goldman...he's living in Montreal enjoying the beauty that it is...he told me to tell you to e-mail him any time you'd like...so e-mail the guy ok?

Anyways, you'll have your CD's and shit soon...I know one is Trish's so if'n your talkin' to her...could you try to get my book back from her...It's a rather special one for me...

May the blessings be,

Gawpo Giggles [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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partying?!?!?!? no more partying for me kind sir...it's sunday school and choir classes...AMEN!!!

May the blessings be,

Gawpo Giggles [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

*on a more serious note, you at ANY of the sick, sick, sick run of Tdot shows comin' up?...I think I might just camp out somewhere on Young St for the entire month...somewhere's within staggering distance to each venue...lots a good shit man...I'll be around

**Please remember to let Jon know I gotta talk to him...most urgent...

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Jon has no way of being contacted. no phone, no job at bob's...

i dont' even know what's going on in toronto this month. i'd like to know but at the same time i'm glad i don't. i'd want to be there if i couldn't and if i was busy thinking about that i'd be wasting my time that i could be fully enjoying what i'd be doing...which would likely be nothing.

maybe i'll look...if i don't i'm sure you'll let me know...just so i can suffer.

it'd be great to get to the t-dot...i've gotta be there next week...monday i think...i have some business to attend to.

blessings be to YOU, gawpo!

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Rub...I'll send you an e-mail listing the shows I plan on being in the area for...THAT MOST CERTAINLY DOES NOT MEAN I'LL BE IN ATTENDENCE...cash flow is at a usual low so...

Regarding Jon...I'm a little confused with what you mean...I'm aware his phone is fubared...is he staying at Bobby's then? Should I try to call him there...is that what your saying? Please clarify dear Rub...

Anyways, must be off...there is trouble in these here parts and I gots to do what I gots to do...

May the blessings be,

Gawpo Giggles [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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