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WOW. Not your typical Point and Shoot

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I was inside a Giant Camera once. It was on st Laurant Near and Above the Cheap Portugese Bakery. I can't remember the art gallery's name. But the dude took a room and raped it with photo paper and make the thing a giant pin hole camera it was pretty neat. Once your eyes got adjusted you could see every thing that was happening out on the street and it kinda made the cars and ppl ghost like. It was pretty trippy. I happend just to stumble apon the exibit. This guys thing kinda reminds me of that.

Kinda a weird perspective tho because it was like a panaramic shoot of a long street but the paper was rapped around the four walls making it kinda 360 degrees. Pretty trippy. It was in black in white though. I wonder if ya could do it in colour. I never asked the guy. Now that would be really trippy.

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