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So Mountain Cable just figuredout their error


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and i now have upload limits for my website...

we are supposed to only have 9 megs of upload space, but somehow i'd already uploaded 251 megs of photos...i guess their permissions weren't set correctly...until now

how the hell am i going to take my current 251 megs of space down to 9????

i do know they haven't asked me to delete the current stuff...so at least its up there...

but one day, it could all be gone...who knows...

this sucks...i knew it was too good to be true...an unlimited upload account for free...

ahhh well...

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Well here's what I got going on...

I have an old Pentium 200mhz with 32mb ram. It's pretty old, but it's good enough to run a server on.

Basically, my cable internet connection runs into that computer. I have another network cable that goes out to a hub. Then my other computer are plugged into the hub. The 'server' has a program called "winroute" which acts as a firewall/router, esentially is splits the internet connection so all my computers can use it. Then I have a web server installed called Apache. I own a domain name, which I point to my home server IP address via a free service called zone edit. So, typing in www.arrayinteractive.ca will actually get directed to my home machine, which has the apache web server running on it.

That's the short of it. I can get more detailed if your interested.

I should point out that your ISP will most likely not like you hosting your own web server. That's the case for me, so I have everything hidden on a different port, the standard web port being 80.

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