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10 Jambands that didn't make it through the 00's

Guest Low Roller

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Jaimoe. You are definitely thinking of a different band. Downtime had Punk and 'ersh (for a bit) and a fantastic guitar player plus a solid drummer.

Days Of You were thefuckingbomb in the mid-late 90's, espeically when they had the lawyer-in-training on keys and the Leaf fan (only one I ever met who I liked) on drums. That band was so good they could turn goat's piss into gasoline.

No, I indeed meant Downtime with Punk. I saw them on their first Ontario go-round (I think it was) at the hideous, but fun, Comfort Zone. The bassist and keyboardist sucked. Actually, I didn't think they made it into this decade, but I'm clearly wrong - when did Punk join nero and did this end Downtime?

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