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The Golden Dogs biography


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By a simple twist of fate it's fallen to me to write the biography of The Golden Dogs thus far and as they move forward with their soon to be a classic release Coat of Arms.

Dave (Azzolini) and I had a funny ambling chat yesterday afternoon after a long process of back and forth interviews with he and his wife Jessica Grassia. Essentially at the end of our chat he said basically that I seemed like the right man for the job and that 'there should be a reconnection technically'...

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Thanks guys. I'm almost finished hashing it out - the label needs it pronto. I thought you'd get a chuckle out of the 'reconnection' part I should have said he laughed heartily after that. He also said, and I was genuinely puzzled about what he was talking about at first, 'look man I've done so many stupid things at shows I'm just so past that, sure that's on my Permanent Record (killer tune off Coat of Arms)...'

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Here's a bit of a teaser transcript of our most recent interview, I think it's noteworthy given how Dave and I 'met' that the very last question I asked him, that even occured to me to ask, was about his influences (that part is admittedly really juicy though and they have dreamed up an album of covers they'd like to release for free!)

Dave Azzolini (The Golden Dogs) interview

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Fuck you're in the loop eh Jakis. Yeah it was a Harry Nillson tribute night it was weird actually, we were randomly talking about influences - he had completely left out WEEN and presumed he'd talked to me about it which led to a sizeable digression. I mentioned in passing the Harry Nillson thing (Me and My Arrow I had for instance always thought was a Golden Dogs original - Dave said 'I Wish!')... anyways yeah him and his bass player were playing a couple of songs. He genuinely doesn't feel part of any 'scene' as much as Zeus/Collet/everyone adores him. I mean he's a self-educated guy from Thunder Bay with massive chops that's had a tonne of really great musicians pass through his band. It's funny he's so modest and almost nervous about going out and being social with musicians he doesn't know.

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