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great free iphone app for guitar


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Yesterday I was teaching a kid, about 12 or 13 and quite smart. We were tuning one of her strings. We determined that the string was too low, and found the correct tuning peg to turn. Then she asked me, "Which way do I turn it so the note will get higher?" Always one to encourage young players to experiment with their instrument, I asked her, "If you were at home and were left to figure it out on your own, what would you do?"

"I'd look it up on the internet," she said.

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Yesterday I was teaching a kid, about 12 or 13 and quite smart. We were tuning one of her strings. We determined that the string was too low, and found the correct tuning peg to turn. Then she asked me, "Which way do I turn it so the note will get higher?" Always one to encourage young players to experiment with their instrument, I asked her, "If you were at home and were left to figure it out on your own, what would you do?"

"I'd look it up on the internet," she said.


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