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The real question is...


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Originally posted by Mr. Musicface:

so what all is everybody planning on hitting?

my heady bong.

...and possibly diesel dog, i have a home to crash in in waterloo.

plus, thorgnor should get ahold of me as soon as possible so i know if he wants a ticket to snoop dogg on the 20th. its a saturday buddy, but tix are 60 bucks. general admission. wanna get roughed up by some gangstas?

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... who's NOT playing within an hour of Toronto tomorrow night? Here's just the gigs that have been posted on the Sanc in the last couple of days that I noticed:


Dr. Huxtable & Electric Meat @ C'est What

Fantasy (aka Hiway Freeker) @ 360

Cavern @ Vox


Kitchens and Bathrooms, Warsawpack, The Luxury Flats, The Vapids, and Chris Bell @ PJC

Pilate @ The Underground


Diesel Dog & Harvard Mouse @ Lancaster Tavern


Uncle Seth @ Bubba Gibbs

I'm sure there are others I've missed - so what all is everybody planning on hitting?

If my band wasn't actually playing, I'd most likely be at Meat/Hux for the seamless sets, although I'd sure be tempted by Fantasy as well, sounds like good fun.

Well let it never be said there's no choice in this scene!


Mr. M.

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