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The Miniature Earth-An awareness creation.


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Brought to you by Allysson Lucca,the same person who created the "We were humans" flash(which sadly appears to be offline nowadays).

I love Allysson's work,makes you think about things differently.Remember pay attention to whats been said,it matters to understand it and to be aware of the concept of it.

Another amazing awareness creation.

The Miniature Earth


ps.If you need clarifacation on these facts,please by all means email the folks listed in the credits,instead of asking me.

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Sad statistics man, serious. [Frown]

We have a lot of priveledges that we take for granted in this side of the world.

I'm studying anthropolgy at school and one of the strange and apparent things that I noticed about the idea of it is that we send extremely privelegded people to other, mostly poorer, parts of the world to participate in poeple's cultures elsewhere. And almost exclusively they return with stories of impoverishment, but the system itself simply feeds the inequality. Anthropological knowledge is used by multi-national corporations to help with development plans that disenfranchise more people. Vicious. [Frown]

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