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Nero NYE Idea...... Needs your input!?!?!

Northern Wish

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Hey all,

I am thinking of something fun to get us all totally in tune with the eve of the new year for the nero show in Ottawa.

I was thinking of doing a poll of all of the nero fans, about "a few of their favorite things". Also in addition to this, I was considering a pool, much like many of us create on Phish tour- where the contestant chooses potential opening, closing and wildcard songs.

This may take some organization which I am willing to do, but if each player puts in $1 for the pool, the lucky winner could be spending 1/1/2004, $100 richer.

Please offer input, I am not going to put in the effort if no one will be interested.

Here is the possible layout:


First Show:

Favorite Show:

Favorite Song:

Favorite Cover Song:

Favorite Member:

Favorite Venue:

Approx. # of Shows Attended:

Furthest Traveled to a Show:

Favorite nero "moment":

First Set Opener/ Closer:

First Set Wildcards (2):

Second Set Opener/ Closer:

Second Set Wildcards (2):

Third Set Opener/ Closer:

Third Set Wildcards (2):

Cover Song:


One Timer:

What say you all?


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Scottie, I thought that by leaving a large chunk for wildcards- it would give everyone a chance to win. Of course, you are correct though- maybe an opener/ closer should be prorated to be worth maybe 2 or 3 points.....

I'll have the forms with me, and if anyone wants to play they can!

We should be in Ottawa by mid aft on NYE. We are leaving Fredericton tomorrow after work.

See ya then,


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Yeah, the first might be better for me.. Busy times, New Year's...

I can take you and Nina out for breakfast / lunch / whatever to repay you for the morning after BIttersweet Motel in London [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin] That was a messy one that you Scottie and Nina helped me out on...


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