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Hey buddy...had this playing right now and was thinking...you should have a copy of this.That is if you dont already.

Gourds and their seeds

Best of the Boots Box Set

2002 Various Dates

www.thegourds.com (official site)

www.gourds.org (unofficial site)

SBD>MD>CD Silvers>EAC>flac

(except as noted below)

Disc 1:

1. Lowrider-12.31.01 (after midnight)

2. The Rhyme of Mad Mick McCary- 01.12.02 (AUD-Sonic’s)

3. A Bottle and a Dime- 02.16.02

4. High Highs, Low Lows- 03.14.02

5. Miss You- 03.14.02

6. Moon Gone Down-03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

7. Hamfisted Box of Gloves-03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

8. Locomotive Breath- 03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

9. Lonesome, On’ry & Mean-03.16.02

10. Pickles-03.16.02

11. Dying of the Pines (alt.)-09.27.02 (AUD/SBD Matrix>DAT)

12. Ceiling’s Leaking-04.20.02

13. Roll & Tumble-04.20.02

14. 2000 Man-04.20.02

15. Midnight Moonlight-05.17.02 (DAT)

16. Time Has Come Today-06.14.02

17. Gin & Juice>Sangria Wine>Gin & Juice-06.14.02

Disc 2:

1. Dang Me-03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

2. Grievin’ & Smokin’>The Only Hell My Mama Raised-05.17.02 (with Tres Grupos Magnificos)(DAT)

3. Right in the Head-07.11.02 with Jimmy Smith

4. Comealongs- 07.11.02 with Jimmy Smith

5. A Quick One While He’s Away-07.11.02 with Jimmy Smith

6. Smoke Bend-06.08.02 with Dollar Bill Johnston

7. El Paso-06.08.02 with Dollar Bill Johnston

8. Search Party-07.03.02 (DAT)

9. Imbibing My Prescriptions-07.03.02 (DAT)

10. Magnolia-07.06.02

11. Come Up>All the Labor-07.06.02

12. Pakistani Annie & Taliban Dan-07.11.02

13. Layin’ Around the House-07.26.02

14. Pushed Her Down (alt)-07.26.02

15. Lament- 07.27.02 (outside)

16. My Name is Jorge-09.04.02 (Matrix>DAT)

17. I’m Goin’ Down-09.04.02 (Matrix>DAT)

18. Big Santiago Bust-09.27.02 (Matrix>DAT)

19. Sun King>Mean Mr. Mustard>She Came in Through the Bathroom Window-08.13.02

Disc 3:

1. Turn My Head Around-08.18.02

2. Sweet L’il-08.18.02

3. O Rings-08.18.02

4. Oh Sister-03.14.02

5. The Prayer Fell Upon the Mirror>Copper Mine> Phil’s Jasper-08.22.02

6. Jesus Christ With Signs Following-08.18.02

7. Twilight of Song-08.22.02

8. Coffee & Herb Rag-08.22.02

9. Blankets-09.27.02 (Matrix>DAT)

10. First In Line-09.29.02 (DAT)

11. The Bridge-10.25.02 (DAT)

12. Tupelo Honey-10.25.02 (DAT)

13. The Losing End-11.09.02 (DAT)

14. Lowlands-11.22.02

15. On Time-11.22.02

16. Cranky Mullato-11.22.02

17. Ants on the Melon-11.22.02

18. Cracklin’s-11.22.02

19. Best of Me-11.23.02

20. Sugarcane-11.23.02

21. Mr. Teller-12.06.02

22. Are the Good Times Really Over for Good?- 09.27.02 (Matrix>DAT)

This is a very rare and special box set put together by the Duck Taper and Michael Barnes, with their personal favorite version of each song the gourds and their seeds played in 2002. An amazing labor of love, this is NOT a liberated bootleg, but was given to a friend of mine who is very close to the band, who gave me a set of the silvers. Thanks especially to Mr. Barnes and the other tapers, including Marcus Winfree, Tucker Lamberton and the Taper Laureate.

Flac’d on 11.17.2003 by Catherine in Atlanta (cathy>liebchen@yahoo.com). PLEASE share these tunes FREELY!

What ya think? [Eek!]

{edit add on}

Oh yeah..its ALL bluegrass....

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