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Ottawa Winter Street Parking


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I'll preface this by saying that Mr Abdulkar of the Parking Services of Ottawa better hope I don't find him or his car.

I got a $50 ticket on Sunday night for parking on the street when it was snowing. I know that if there's more than 7cms of snow you have to be off the street or they'll ticket you. So basically I have to eat that one.

I also got a ticket last night, even though the forecast was only 4cms. according to their website the City of Ottawa WILL...I repeat...WILL post signs if snow clearing is needed, which they didn't do. So I called the fucking snowline (paid for by Ottawan's tickets, no doubt) and the guy says that legally they don't need to post signs.

Can anyone please clarify this for me? When can I park and when can I not park? Incidentally I plan to fight both of these tickets (grand total in the courts now = 4) just on principle and so that I can backlog the City as much as possible.

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do it! backlog as much as you can! i so hear your snow parking woes, all the way from kitchener... here in k-troub, it's a no-no (for snow cleaning) from 2:30am to 6:00am on the streets. i've gotten two so far ($20 a pop is still a pain in the ass) for parking right in front of my own damn house. the first time not only was there ABSOLUTELY NO SNOW whatsoever at all, but the time on the ticket is precisely 26 minutes before i would have been allowed to park there again (fuckers, can we say quota maybe?), and the second there was a light dusting on the ground but certainly nothing to actually plow. jerks! yeah i'm stuck with 'em..... but it still sucks! especially since they add $16 to the fine every fifteen days....rrrrrrrrr

oooh....venting....feeels gooood....heehee [smile]

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I got dinged for $50 for street parking Sunday night in Ottawa as well...

I wouldn't backlog city hall 'on principle' though. There are huge budget cuts coming and I'd rather see every available penny go towards programs and services than a bylaw ticket fight 'on principle'.

I know the rules (basically, if there's snow that needs to be plowed, don't make it difficult for the plows), violated them, and will pay the fine promptly. And I won't park on the street anymore.


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Here is the response to my email regarding why I was ticketed. As you can see it is very plain english, and I should've known better even though the information below was not posted on their website or provided on the fucking SNOLINE.

Good Morning,

Thank you for your inquiry. There are two different operations that take

place with snow. They are snow clearing, and snow removal. Signs will be

posted only with the actual removal of snow banks. The regular plowing of

snow is referred to as snow clearing.

The overnight winter parking restrictions are in effect to assist with snow

clearing, and is not signed. You are correct that the ban is called on when

Environment Canada forecasts a snowfall of 7cms or more. It remains in

effect until it is called off.

You may get up to the minute information on the parking ban by calling


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I'm posting a letter I've sent to my city councillor (I have yet to get a response, nor do I expect one)


Dear Councillor Holmes,

I am contacting you in hopes that you might be able to clarify some issues regarding the City of Ottawa's winter parking policy. If you'll indulge me for a moment, I'd like to begin by quoting a statement on the City of Ottawa website:

"Be aware when a snowfall of 7 cm or more is forecast - you should move your vehicle off the street so that City crews can clear roads easily and efficiently. This does not apply if you have an on-street parking permit."

I can certainly grasp the rational behind the first part of the statement, however, it would seem to me that a vehicle with a parking permit comprises just as much as a physical impediment to snow removal as one which does not. If we assume for a moment that this is true (and clearly it is), one is left to reach the inevitable conclusion that the motivations underlying the City's winter parking policy lie more in that of fiscal gain than effective snow removal. Indeed, if the city was truly concerned with clearing the streets, no car would be able to park between 1am and 7am. This, of course, is untrue as one is able to pay for the privilege of obstructing snow removal (for $107 - more than a 100% increase from last year - as a student this is unaffordable).

In any case, you won't be surprised to learn that I was frustrated to find a $50 ticket (which I have paid) adorned to my vehicle this morning when cars parked both in front and in back of me with permits were not. While I fully admit that I was parked illegally according to the regulations and may have potentially impeded snow removal, it is my contention that in the spirit of the by-law so was every other car.

Can you please assure me that the City of Ottawa's winter parking policy is not designed simply to elicit the purchase of $100 parking permits?

Thank-you for your time and continued efforts in our ward. I look forward to your response.


Owen Kelly

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If the red signs for snow removal are up on the snowbank you cannot park on the street EVEN if you HAVE a permit. However, if there are no signs red signs and you have a permit you will not be ticketed.

I believe it's in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act...

IMO I wouldn't park my car on the road if there was any snow at all...I wouldn't want any snow removal vehicles near my brand new 2004 Civic...


They'll tow your car outta there...who knows what sort of damage they'll do...

You hear the one about the guy who fell asleep at the wheel of one of those big snowblowing machines...Chewed up the rear end of a car. Beleive it was near MacLaren and Kent.

Or what about the two City workers in Montreal who were drunk and driving there plows around...No Thanks...

I have had my fair share of tickets too and I friggin hate them, renewing my licence once cost me $600...If there weren't fines we wouldn't have our roads cleared, and I tell you this much...getting behind the wheel of an OC Transpo bus and driving it in the snow is friggin scary as hell...So please, be smart and just obey the laws...

Boy, maybe I should run for council...I am just a city worker...browning my nose up real good...

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I agree with you regarding the actual snow-removal....my main point of contention is the fact that permit holders are allowed to remain parked on the street during simple snow plowing/clearing while non-permit holders are not (despite the fact that they comprise identical obstacles - i.e., a car is a car).


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only overnight when 7cms are forecast...

Also permit holders are only allowed to park on certain streets...I may live on Maclaren, however I would have to park a couple of blocks down on James...so it can also be a bit of an inconvenience, unless you happen to be lucky enough to live on that particular street, so the city obviously makes extra precautions, on special streets where traffic may not be as heavy etc...

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The bottom line is to either a) get a place that has parking available or B) rent a spot monthly that would cost you less then a city permit or racking up a pile of parking tickets...

On the other hand you take those tickets to court you more than likely will win......

and I am sorry, but IMO I think there are more important things in life than worry about some parking tickets...

Like yelling at Ottawa Hydro because they are boneheads, or complaining about restaurant service to get freebies... [Wink]

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I'm sorry rubberdinghy, but I disagree.


If the red signs for snow removal are up on the snowbank you cannot park on the street EVEN if you HAVE a permit. However, if there are no signs red signs and you have a permit you will not be ticketed.

This is exactly what any reasonable person would think, and as I posted earlier this is not the reality of it. If it were than I would've learned my lesson after the first ticket. But alas, a forecast of 4cms should've meant I could park on the street right? So I am fighting the ticket I received on a night when there was less than 7cms AND NO SIGNAGE was posted.

've had more tickets in Ottawa than I've had in my life, including instances where the parking attendant RAN AWAY FROM ME when I approached him to ask why I was being ticketed. I received a parking ticket during a week in which I had a street permit. I received a ticket for NO stopping when there was no visible parking signage dictating what you could or couldn't do.

I fought both tickets and won without stepping into a courtroom.

It's a matter of the damn principle.

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I went over to fight my ticket and was met with a ghastly city employee who tried her best to point out my stupidity and to show me the winter parking website which has...gasp..been updated to say a range between 5 and 10cms. Oh, and I must always call the Snoline to find out when the ban is lifted. Right. Or, you could just blow me and make life easier for everyone

And Baldhero, I'd suggest that you email the city again (as I have) and point out that the changes they've now made to their website were made after the 13th (when apparently lots of people were ticketed for street parking). And la dee da, I have a screenshot of the website from before the changes if you'd like me to email it to you (PM me with your email address).

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