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"I asked Bill Walton his thoughts on Warren"


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At an NBA gathering last night in LA, I went up to Bill Walton and said,

"Mr. Walton, I was just wondering your thoughts on Warren Haynes joining the Dead" kinda jokingly, and he laughed, but said,

"You know, i don't know, let me take you over to Ramrod, king of The Dead."

So he did, and I asked Ramrod, self-proclaimed president of the Dead, and said, "He's amazing, veritile, and can just damn play... but I'll tell you one thing, we had a show the other week, to introduce him, and Bobby Weir comes running off the stage screaming, "I can't fucking hear myself, fuck this, Warren is so damn loud."

He then said they they have a few tricks lined up for Roo...

so take it or leave it, but I believe the man

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