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Last night at the club...hammer tonight


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i wish i were more of an internet geek - i'd have promoted he show yesterdat but i was at work. boo to that!

anyhow, you missed an intense night of music at Elements - and i'm pretty sure i can say that to everyone because i don't think a single person that was there goes on this site.

9:45 DJ phonecard gets to the decks. It all starts off with a crescendo of the apollo 11 vinyl from nasa echoing through the room. madness into song. Phonecard spun all night between sets and after the bands finished.

everything from the space mission to indie rock out with cool techno and tasty beats. he mixed some beatles into it too. always all over the map and always making you go 'wow - that's cool'.

10:30 - the riderless. These guys used to be called 'hail of knives' and are 2/5 golden caramels. If you need a comparison with style figure elements of sonic youth, django reinhardt, and domakesaythink...not so much django but a definite taste. they definitely got into somethng deep. take you away!

11:30 - SingThatYellThatSpell

anyone remember Lung Butter?? same band.

if you're not privy to the info i'll let you know that these guys will KICK YOUR ASS!!!!

i still don't know how to put it.

these guys don't really drop bombs...that takes waiting for it to fall...they just explode.

bass, drums, guitar/sax - the closese band i've ever seen to these guys was a band called blake. they're an emocore band but these guys aren't emocore. i say heavy free jazz. a bit of distortion to clean...People really should see these guys.

If you're coming from a chill pub into a STYTS show you'll be disoriented but if you're into music you won't run away - it's almost like that strange drink that your drunk friend made that you sip at and sip at to try to figure it out and by then end you're asking for a double.

just realise that they're using absinthe.

more people need to experience this.

keep your eyes peeled in april or may


if you're in hamilton i think they're playing the underground tonight - in hamilton...

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