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Looking for a spindle trade...


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Anyone here up for a 50 disc trade? I've got over 700 shows to pick from... a lot of Phish, nero, Raq, and tND, plus a bunch of other great bands. I use TY Fujis, and hopefully you will as well... No silver bottomed CDRs though, my computer has a hard time reading them... We can either mail or do the trade in person. I can have them out by the 22nd. It would be sooner, but I've got a mini nero tour next weekend... C'mon, let's spread some tunes...

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Hey del-head, getting back to you about your NERO B & P offer. I would love to grab a few of those shows of you...maybe your 3 favorite ones? I have moe.down, soon adn the one they handed out at new years. But i want more...i would do that big of a trade but i dont have very many shows yet. But if u want to set up a B & P still let me know. My email is jakissanger@msn.com



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jakis, I'm heading to Ottawa on 04-17... I could bring some discs up then if you'd like... I'm hitting the nero CD release party... If you're going, let me know, and bring some blanks to the show. We'll trade off at the show... If that's cool let me know, and we'll arrange something...

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