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Any guitar players out there....


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Interesting reply on the jerry thing. I think for a lot of people, the grateful dead was the first band to make music a spiritial thing and therefore have a strong attachment to it. It's like the 1st time you fall in love, no matter how it turns out there is always some love left.

What makes good musician great musicians is that they strive to improve in order to express themselves through music. The more you learn, the more influences you study, the more your ability to express yourself increases. I think everyone has creativity within themselves and the more you work on it the closer it gets to your own personal truths. anyways, don't listen to Canned Beats. He's been bitting my style since the day i met him. [Wink]

Also, what did you mean by "envelope filter sent through a guitar with a unity gain buffer." ? is this b/c of the mutron 3's lack of a seperate output dial? I find it to be a problem sometimes. how would you go about that?

my current setup is

teese wizard wah> TS 808> ampeg scrambler or wercer box> MXR Phase 100(script) or option 5 phase> octave divder> mutron 3.

and a roland CE1> line 6 DL4 in the effects loop.

My main amp is a mesa studio 22+ but i'm waiting for my stevenson 40 watt head to be finished.

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Originally posted by Rary8:

[QB] I'm giving you a long reply(s) because I actually think what you are saying is VERY IMPORTANT. It is a major concern to me that I don't end up just a copycat.

Hey Rary8,

I also think about this apsect some times and I have found that a good thing to do if are feeling unoriginal or like you are sounding far too much like a certain musician is to put down the guitar for a few days and just think about guitar. It sounds stupid, but try it. Analyze your chord forms/licks/riffs WHATever and come back refreshed. I do that once a month or so and it helps me out. OR, play with somebody who is better than you. Watch the subtle differences in play and adapt.

Another idea is, STOP LISTENING TO THE DEAD FOR A WHILE. It may be tough, but do it. Play NO dead songs, learn some 80's glam rock, ANYTHING. I love the dead, but if I listened to Jerry all the time (not implying that you do) then I would sound way more like Jerry.



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