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what's up all you kind ottawa pholk...?

i'll be coming home the week after the week after easter...or at least that's the plan.

i hope to see you cats every so often when i'm around...maybe i'll be able to hook up some sort of party?? i'm visiting my folks and i've ALWAYS been able to have friends over even though they're old.

anyone into driving an hour out of town and possibly bringing loud entertainment of the live variety??

we could have a big fire and be really loud...or loud, since loud is still loud(and will suffice i suppose).

drop me a line before i go...ro3@hotmail.com or 519.433.1733 for those that want to hear my sexy voice. I hope i have at least ONE taker for some aural pleasure...outties!

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OK, the week after the week after Easter would be April 26 - May 4, right?

I don't think there's anything scheduled (yet)* for that week, except for the regular Tuesday Open Jam at Cafe Dekcuf; your attendance at said Open Jam is mandatory...don't make us come and get you... [big Grin]

And, failing everything else, there'll be Raggamuffin on Thursday, May 1.



* Except for Warsawpack at Club SAW on May 1.

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