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Duceppe vs. Martin


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from the globe and mail today:

After the debate, Mr. Martin said he was willing to "meet [Gilles Duceppe] on every street corner, in every city and in every town and village in Quebec."

Yesterday, the Bloc Leader told 1,200 supporters that he was up for the challenge.

"If you're ready to meet me everywhere in Quebec, Mr. Martin, be my guest. I'm in Montreal today, I'm waiting for you," Mr. Duceppe told the noisy crowd in Montreal. "Come on the North Shore to talk about softwood lumber, Paul Martin. I'm there Tuesday, I will be waiting. Come on."

Does Martin actually want to debate Duceppe one-on-one in Quebec? What a dumb dumb move. It will be symbolic, but he'll go down in flames.

Pay per view perhaps?


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duceppe is playing the literal to make martin look like an ass. he knew martin didn't imply to "meet" him on every street corner.

well yeah, duh. but still, will Martin take the bait and debate Duceppe in Quebec after calling him out? If Martin sidesteps someone accepting his challenge, how do you think that will play?

I'm loving Duceppe as a politician right now. Not for what he stands for with regard to separation, but he's very good with his words and reasoning. (Minus the gay rights / referendum thingy)


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I'm loving Duceppe as a politician right now. Not for what he stands for with regard to separation, but he's very good with his words and reasoning. (Minus the gay rights / referendum thingy)


He's smooth, but he can afford to be. There is no downside, no consequences to his actions save for a provincal/nationalist agenda. Duceppe and the Bloc don't want the job. I want to start a party called the "I don't really want to lead the country and its citizens, I just to be able to criticize the party's that are trying to do so" When has the Bloc tabled one piece of legislation that has brought about a better way of life for Quebecois or anyone? Good speaker, yes. Beat Martin, probably. Unfair advantage, absolutely.

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he got elected fairly and properly, and he represents a whole lotta people that share his views. he's supporting the people that elected him, we need more of that in parliament. what's the issue? we don't like democracy or something?


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My problem with the Bloc as a national party is I can't respect anyone with such a limited platform (not just the Bloc; Marijuana, Natural Law, Christian Reform). AD, elected he may be, and I will give him the same props as you for this brilliant political move.

But to what end, federally? I flirt with regionalism at times but in my heart I am a federalist. If he truly wanted his end goal, truly believed in his cause, then he would have stepped down, led the PQ, and fired up the referendum. Instead he continues this parliamentary cock-block to effective governence. I repeat, besides representing the disenfranchaisment of his province, what good does this party hold for any Canadian or really to a Quebecker? No real change.

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I could see the Bloc working with a Conservative minority government towards decentralization and greatly empowering the provinces. Harper says he is willing to revisit the consitution and open that area back up for debate and changes -- the Bloc would probably play ball on that, too.

Would be interesting, but likely a heavy blow to the federalist project. The BQ couldn't lose ... either they'd be able to extract all sorts of concessions, or the inability to do so would rally the troops for getting the PQ to oust the provincial Quebec Liberals and set the stage for the next referendum.

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Scottie, they're all good points, and while I most of the time fail to see how on earth a guy who wants to separate from Canada is the leader of a national party, i really respect how he knows his goal, is setting about to achieve it peacefully and within the framework that he has, given the supreme court and all. It sounds like he has a ton of support, heck he came off like a rock star at the (partisan) event last night.

I dunno. There's just something about his style and gall and forthrightness that is everything I want in a politician.

Too bad he's playing for the wrong team.

Duceppe is to Canadian politics as Hasek is to Team Canada.


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I dunno. There's just something about his style and gall and forthrightness that is everything I want in a politician.

Too bad he's playing for the wrong team.

Duceppe is to Canadian politics as Hasek is to Team Canada.


To all of these things, I agree. Let's celebrate our impass with some sort of rye whiskey. New Year's perhaps? 6 year anniversary of the voyage of the Great Starship Harpua?

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