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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. If there's one thing I learned going to 50+ GD shows is that there are always a bunch who hated it, many who loved it, and tons who don't even remember it I had a wonderful time at the show and thought that they did a great job. There were a few times where it was a little sloppy, but it's the Dead! WTF do people expect? Bobby to remember lyrics or something For me, being up close and seeing some of the interaction between the boys was priceless. Billy and Mickey are so much better as one beast than separated. I'm ready to hit some more shows if they do hit the road again. Would be nice to see Hornsby brought back in the fold if he was interested.
  2. I would hope that the Sens would buy the remainders back, or simply purchase them from him and then give 'em away to some kids who are sick or something.
  3. Unbelievable. Check out the signs they put up in West Plains, Missouri (a very rural area). I'm glad that over 100,000 showed up to support him in St Louis the other day. http://current.com/items/89393772_racist_obama_billboard_causes_outrage?xid=216
  4. Thanks It was a great weekend. Look forward to partying at the DBT/THS show next month
  5. Allllllrrriiiggghhhtttttt! I'm IN for the Wednesday show Using some birthday cash that I got on the weekend and am going to treat myself to this show. Would love to score the guitar as well So, myslef and a buddy, and guitarberman will be there on Wednesday i guess. That leaves only 247 other Zappa Freaks max in possible attendance
  6. http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081020/ENT05/81020002 Trey Anastasio soars at sold-out show SOUTH BURLINGTON – Well into the first set of his sold-out concert Sunday night, Trey Anastasio noted that many of the songs he and his solo band were playing were among those they performed at the original Higher Ground soon after it opened in Winooski in early 1998. “We’ll see if the songs have ripened with age,†the guitar hero told the crowd in the newer Higher Ground Ballroom. “I know I’ve done a little ripening myself.†• GALLERY: Photos from the concert There have been a few changes in Anastasio’s life in that decade. His Vermont-born band, Phish, continued its rise to become one of America’s biggest bands. Then Phish grew too big too fast and decided to take a break. They got back together. Then they broke up again, for good, they said. Then Anastasio hit his lowest point, with an arrest on drug charges, which led to him being placed on probation. Then, just this month, Phish announced it will get back together this March for three shows in Virginia. Advertisement With the tumult of the past 10 years, it’s no wonder Anastasio was happy to be home. The concert (clocking in at almost four hours) was a vast improvement over the last time he headlined the room in 2005, a few months after Phish broke up. Anastasio debuted a new solo band then and seemed tentative and unsure, leaving that sold-out crowd muttering “You broke up Phish for this?†He returned to the Ballroom with Classic TAB (as in Trey Anastasio Band), featuring three Vermont-bred musicians who’ve been playing with Anastasio on and off for much of the past decade – drummer Russ Lawton, bass player Tony Markellis and keyboard player Ray Paczkowski. They were at ease with each other, Anastasio was clearly happy to be in friendly territory after all he’s been through of late, and the music soared. Anastasio, who turned 44 three weeks ago, paid immediate homage to the pending Phish reunion, opening with one of that band’s late-career tunes, the silly, jaunty “Gotta Jibboo.†He led Classic TAB through a long jam session, creating a wah-wah sound with his guitar and seemingly mouthing the words “wah wah†as he struck his patented pose in which he appears to be scanning the back wall for the next notes to play. The crowd gave a loud ovation at the end of the song, and Anastasio acknowledged his fans with a fist pump and a smile. The next couple of songs (“Peggy†and “Dark and Downâ€) were slower and Anastasio’s expression was intense and serious. He finally spoke to the crowd with a sheepish “thank you†before mentioning that he made the drive from the previous night’s show in Albany, N.Y., into Vermont and instantly noticed the air was cleaner. “It’s the most incredible feeling. I can’t explain it,†he said, smiling broadly. “I’m so happy to be here.†From then on, starting with the mesmerizing “Push On ‘Til the Day,†the serious intensity left Anastasio’s face and the music picked up energy. His solos grew livelier and he started making eye contact with the crowd. Once he acknowledged how happy he was to be back, the happiness came out in his music. Anastasio sent the crowd into the set break with a request to check out the silent auction in the adjacent Higher Ground Showcase Lounge to benefit the Seven Below Arts Initiative, a Burlington City Arts program he founded that’s based at his old recording studio, The Barn, in Westford. As many as 100 people went to the Lounge, some to find out more about Seven Below, but many to watch the deciding game of the American League Championship Series between the Boston Red Sox and the Tampa Bay Rays. The Sox, the crowd favorite, were down 3-1 when Anastasio and his band started their second set. The music was being pumped into the Showcase Lounge, and the jazzy, jammy “Burlap Sack and Pumps†was almost drowned out by groans when David Ortiz grounded out to end the eighth inning. There were still about 50 people in the Lounge as the Red Sox tried to rally in the ninth. An especially frantic guitar solo by Anastasio on “Last Tube†served as the soundtrack to the nervous energy in the Lounge. He and the band grew mellow and pensive with “Let Me Lie,†but Sox fans became even more restless when Jason Varitek struck out. They shot out of the room almost as soon as Jed Lowrie grounded out to end Boston’s World Series hopes, rejoining Anastasio in the Ballroom for the light jam feel of “Drifting.†The party was now focused solely on Anastasio and his band. That set the tone for a second set that included the fiery, boogie-fied rocker “Moesha†- with Anastasio joking that he would forget the lyrics to the wordy tune and fans would make fun of him the next day on the Internet – and a rolling solo on the bouncy “Dragonfly.†The mood crystallized soon after the Red Sox fans rejoined the party, when the band played “Alive Again.†Anastasio repeatedly sang “The time has come for you to be alive again,†and the crowd sang it with him. It was as if they were sending messages to each other: The crowd was thrilled to see Anastasio happy (and alive) after his tribulations, and he was letting his fans know that he and, in a few months, Phish, are back. The scene Anastasio and Phish had created was indeed alive again. Or, maybe, it had ripened. Contact Brent Hallenbeck at 660-1844 or bhallenb@bfp.burlingtonfreepress.com.
  7. Both sites now bookmarked. Thanks Al!!! This has been a crazy race, but ultimately of huge importance for the future. With a solid lead, things are looking good for Obama. However, I like his tact of reminding people that it isn't over yet. There's still a couple of more weeks where something unbelievable/ridiculous/mind-boggling could happen. The GOP are drowning and may just pull a few more desperation moves while they go down.
  8. Excellent series of shots here. Somebody who's friend is Bobby's brother-in-law: http://leilanimunter.com/Galleries/TravelChangeRocks/
  9. Obama compared to mass murderer Charles Manson at Palin/Coleman rally in MN Via the Minnesota Independent we learn that a McCain/Palin supporter compared Obama to mass murderer Charles Manson during a rally for First Dude Todd Palin and Republican Senator Norm Coleman (who is about to lose to Al Franken) in Minnesota. And, as usual, no one at the McCain/Palin rally did a thing about it. It's also interesting that the person even got into the rally with his own sign - these kind of things are often stopped at the door, since the campaign doesn't want errant messages - or worse, protesters, raising signs in front of the candidates. Yet a sign comparing Obama to a mass murderer miraculously slips through. Maybe the Secret Service was busy making sandwiches for Todd. McCain/Palin: Hate we can believe in.
  10. Obama '08 - Vote For Hope from MC Yogi on Vimeo.
  11. Terry Tate says reading is fundamental!!
  12. Well in that case then it's usually the local team that demands the blackout (to try and sell out a game with seats still remaining) or a competing TV broadcast/PPV.
  13. Great appearance on SNL last night. Here are the two bits:
  14. Holy shit! 100,000 gather in a typically RED state for Obama: http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/10/18/obama-rally-draws-100000-in-missouri/ Barack Obama attracted 100,000 people at a Saturday rally here, his biggest crowd ever at a U.S. event. The crowd assembled under the Gateway Arch on a sunny Saturday afternoon to hear Obama speak about taxes and slam the Republicans on economic issues. Lt. Samuel Dotson of the St. Louis Police Department confirmed the number of attendees piled into the grassy lawn by the Mississippi River. To be sure, big crowds don’t always signal a big turnout on Election Day. But Obama’s ability to draw his largest audience yet in a typically red state that just weeks ago looked out of reach, could signal a changing electoral map. For months Missouri polls put Obama as much as ten percentage points behind Republican John McCain. It was widely believed that McCain’s pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate would have won over the state’s conservatives and boosted his chances there. So far, that hasn’t happened. A Rasmussen poll released on Friday shows Obama leading in Missouri 52% to 46% for McCain. Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill had harsh words for Palin when she introduced Obama on Saturday. Referring to comments Palin made earlier this week in North Carolina about “pro-America†states, McCaskill said “We have reached a new low in America politics when a candidate dares to say that one part of America is pro-America and another part is anti-America.†She also took a dig at McCain for selecting a vice presidential nominee with limited experience. “One [candidate] picked one of the strongest candidates for vice president he could’ve picked in the United States and well, the other didn’t.†Recognizing that big rallies don’t always result in cast ballots, the Obama campaign has dispatched thousands of field organizers and volunteers to Missouri to knock on doors in a statewide get out the vote effort. (Photo: Associated Press)
  15. The CBC is showing more Habs games this year than Leafs!!! And only one more Leafs game than Sens games. Quit yer bithcin' crankypants
  16. What a great show. Brings back memories:
  17. http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/23612450/ryan_adams_highlights_from_his_record_collection/1 and from an older interview in RS: http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/ryanadams/articles/story/7605374/qa_ryan_adams
  18. http://www.winterrowd.com/megan-fox-naked
  19. Great (and funny) speech from Obama last night: McCain was pretty funny too:
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