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Posts posted by Bennyd

  1. If there weren't any tapers, that means that my homies from Guelph punked out on me. I would have been there but I had to work. No biggie though, these bitches are repeating way too many songs from one night to the next. I'd hate to have to have to toss a bottle at Brad's head at the third round of I hate Love or Whine and White Soda...

    or Children of December, or Even Rats (I know its the title track but come on)..

    Scott I still havent walked out on a child of dec. yet but im close (and I was born 12/21)

  2. bah that book was poorly written and I didn't like it.

    it seemed liek a rip off of alot of carlos casteneda philosophy. read his stuff much more interesting and better written.

    Cause we all know Castaneda books are all original. He fabricated his books and led people to believe they were real. The C. Prophesy is a novel and was never portrayed as truth. C. Castaneda should be recognized for the fraud he really is. Besides he took all his stories from others as well.

  3. I was there when the tornadoes were a problem. Jim Louchlin and I pollished of a bottle of Beam over a tornado vaperizer on the umph. bus, while the sky turned green (never actually saw the tornado but could see damage driving out of there on monday)

    I remember Charlie Hunter was warming up when the siren went off. Everyone started moving like ants. That was the best cancelled sunday Ive ever been to. Umph played a late night set after everyone left, that blew the roof off.

    It is kinda like the moe.down in the midwest. Im still deciding if I want to go or not.

  4. Cant say i was to in into A. Sunshine, they had moments but They were kinda like a greenday meets the violent femms

    The slip played very well. It was one long set that felt like two. There was a climax after Spanish Harlem Incident and the whole energy changed to a more intense feel.

    Wake up you sleepy head

    Wine and white soda

    even rats

    Spanish Harlem Incident (Bob Dylan)

    I hate love


    Paper Dolls


    Children of December #


    Nellie Jean (had not been played in about a year)

    #Brad on speeker cabinet

    Spanish Harlem Incident, paper dolls and nellie jean were the Highlights. This show ran about an hour and a half (almost two with the encore)

    Have fun tonight!!!!

  5. Whats the deal with this group. They are blowing up. I just got a cd from a friend and to my suprise I loved it. It is kinda like what The Slip is doing right now (indi'ish) but diffrent. they are playing here soon and I will prob. check them out. Has anyone seen them live, what should I expect?

  6. Whats up Sean?

    they rocked out the other night(2/25) and A.Sunshine has been making waves as of late in the states so dont think of it as a one set Slip show and more of a double billed show. Plus the Barr bros. live up there now so I would expect a top noch preformance.

    I will post a review of tonights Ithaca show asap to give you a better idea what to expect.

  7. I guess this is the 2/31 really 2/25 show listed. It was a frat party for Colgate University in Hamilton, NY. Catering with 36 feet of subs, beer and N/A drinks all included in the Price of admission 8$ made it a unique slip experience. Lots of people, some slip fans but I think people were mostly there for the beer. All and all, it was a solid warm up for the coming tour.

    One set plus an encore.

    Poor boy #

    Even rats

    I hate love

    Mud Slide *

    Rise and shine sleepyhead

    Wine and White soda



    Children of December


    Soft Machine

    If one of us should fall

    Peace love and understanding (Elvis Costello)

    # very fast and almost hard core.

    * we all know mudslide is a raunchy tune and this one was filthy

    @ two or three missing tunes, at one point Brad puts a large red blanket over his head and wears it like a cape, looked like a red jedi.

  8. The tincture mentioned will work but it does throw the flavor of the brew way off (something that a good brewer would not want to do.) however this does work.

    I call it green dragon shots.

    One thing to mention about the honey, it is all a little different. Summer Honey has more water and less sugar than fall honey. The real trick here is to just get quality honey. The darker in color the higher the sugar levels (this is good) for a standard brew kit (five gallons) about 2.5 or 3 lbs of honey. Also, honey does not contain any of the amino acids that yeast need for nutrition. Therefore when you are brewing with honey you need to add yeast nutrient to the batch (should be available at a brew store or online.

    Now get a muslin bag (also available at your local brew store)or cheese cloth type membrane and put in your Herb (I use about 1 lb of good sugar trim, less is needed for potency if you use flowers but you lose overall green flavor so I recommend the crystallized trim)

    cook the honey with the bag in the pressure cooker at no more than 175 F for about 30 min.(no longer) remove the bag and behold your

    "Green Honey"

    Now for the Wort. use your honey in any mead or Honey Wheat recipe. Don’t forget to save a cup of the honey for your priming sugar when you bottle in two or three weeks

    By the way all these measures are in my archaic American system you will have to convert to your needs. Fahrenheit/Celsius ect…

    You wont believe it when you try your first Magic Beer

    Have fun brewing!!!

  9. I put this in a new thread

    (thought it deserved it)

    But even better here is a recipe for real magic beer (not just hemp flavored with the magic kick as well)

    Use your pressure cooker to infuse the herb into a quality honey now known as green honey. Next brew your fav. homebrew and replace the priming sugar with your new honey. You can even use herb when you add your flavoring hops but this will only give you a flavor and no active THC. (but it helps with placebo) I would recommend a honey wheat with light German hops so the full magic flavor comes out. This also requires more honey and therefore will be more potent.

    My friend (a seasoned beer drinker) bet me he could drink a six pack. I said were on and he finished four of them before he clamed to be hallucinating, he said that the walls were vibrating so we took him outside for fresh air and he didn’t want any more. I drink about 2 and then move to the non/magic beer myself.

  10. I’m am surprised no one has mentioned pressure cookers. They make it possible to cook at much lower temps. and are great for butter.

    But even better here is a recipe for real magic beer (not just hemp flavored with the magic kick as well)

    Use your pressure cooker to infuse the herb into a quality honey now known as green honey. Next brew your fav. homebrew and replace the priming sugar with your new honey. You can even use herb when you add your flavoring hops but this will only give you a flavor and no active THC. (but it helps with placebo) I would recommend a honey wheat with light German hops so the full magic flavor comes out. This also requires more honey and therefore will be more potent.

    My friend (a seasoned beer drinker) bet me he could drink a six pack. I said were on and he finished four of them before he clamed to be hallucinating, he said that the walls were vibrating so we took him outside for fresh air and he didn’t want any more. I drink about 2 and then move to the non/magic beer myself.

  11. my friend's family has a Manx

    I have a friend that had (passed away (the cat not my friend)) a bobcat/mix and it was 57 lbs. I even saw it on the scale then weighed myself to see if the scale worked. It was huge and only slightly unable to get around. Most of the time it would hide under the dining room table and scratch people as they walked by. It would routinely draw blood from my friends ankles. So I’m sure this is possible. And like others I think the first photo is real and the second bogus

  12. KVHW is way better than ZERO

    I used to see them both countless times when I lived in Cali.

    Zero is good but KVHW had an original sound that ZERO lacked. Maybe it was R. Hunters lyrics and boatloads of covers they would always play, but Zero rarely held the intensity throughout the entire night like KVHW would.

    One of the best’s shows I ever saw bar none was KVHW in Truckee Ca. I am glad to know people still listen to them from time to time

  13. Fresh leaves should be chewed and "dipped" like chewing tobacco with a D.M.S.O. compound like the one commonly found in nicotine chewing gum or an ethroxlaceae coca plant (If you can find this you wont need salvia) for the desired effect. It last about two to three hours and blows DMT (Organic or synthisized) out of the water. Smoking it is ok but not as it is intended for a true mind opening experiences. I spent about an hour freefalling from my couch to the floor and my couch isn’t even that big

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