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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. when diesel dog played before him at the camp trillium fundraiser he got on stage and said something to the effect of the hippies are finally off stage, thank god! personally, i think that if you are the only act being paid at a charity event, maybe you shouldn't criticize the others, even if you are not a fan. maybe i took this statement in the wrong way, but there is no way in hell i will ever support that man. also, i met him a couple years ago at a mark wilson show and he had rockstar attitude. totally brushed off anyone that couldn't "do something" for him. i think he is a bit of a dillhole. total weiner.

  2. mike and andy showed me the world's most hospitable parking lot in the whole world. i think my mom should adopt mike! (thanks for running blocker between me and the creepy guys!) partied my ass off and was the last one to bed in said parking lot (wussies! :) ) had good coffe and french fries at the dd show the next day, too bad the beach is too polluted for swimming, (i really don't know how it could be more polluted than my head was) and my body was too stiff for dancing too. walking like a gimp sucks. wanted to go see mark wilson in dover but sleep took over my body. went to browntown to see my grandma and paris to see my very pregnant sister on monday. i am going to be and aunt in a couple of weeks and this is going to be one literate and heady little baby, she already owns a copy of the abc's of kerouac and some tie-dye clothes.

  3. that first one was on the a&e show wierd homes once and it showed how to make them. i have heard that these houses aren't the best for northern climated though, ricky and i are probably going to go straw bale, which comes out looking very similar, just way thicker walls.

  4. sh!tty shitballs... port dalhousie is pretty awesome... hmmm nope i don't think there's any way i can swing it... stupid me not getting a job... (banging head on wall...)

    you don't need a job, you just need a drummer, trust me on this one! ::

  5. my friend erin and her boyfriend regaled me with their east coast wwoofing stories all weekend at izzy's for canada day, they had amazing things to say and i can't wait to try!

  6. michael moore does do a lot of citations in his books as to demonstrate where he took his information from.

    also, he is incredibly sensationalistic, which i think is uncharacteristic of most documentaries. personally, i find his style to be entertaining and intriguing. i think michael moore provides a gateway to the more scholarly and academic left wing media. he is like "sustainable politics 101" you won't learn too much depth, but at least you will know the terminology and be aware of what the issues are.

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