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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. i resent the word "whore" being used in a negative context. i am in the process of reclaiming that word on behalf of myself and the other band "whores". in the future please use alternative vernacular. thank-you and good day.

  2. my biggest desire for all of humanity is for people to feel free to live the lives they have in any manner they like as long as they are not hurting anyone else and not imposing their values on anyone unless said imposition is solicited.

    basically, i wish that everyone lived by the credo from some annoying song i remember from childhood that goes

    "you run your body so let me run mine"

    except i would have another verse where the word "body" is changed to the word "mind". zero, when i read this thread it makes me think of jehovah's witnesses trying to tell me to come in to "the truth" and "the way". maybe that is your truth and your way and your definition of how to live a righteous life but i see it differently for myself. i fully support you in your choices as they are not hurting me or anyone else, but please try to stop preaching at me and everyone else. we might be wasting our potential in your eyes but it is ours to waste as we please. personally i am out to have the most fun possible in one lifetime. i would rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable.

  3. i am gonna have a niece in a few weeks, maybe we could borrow our sibblings' children for festivals when they are older and help contibute to the next generation of heady mamas! congrats man. also, don't forget to get your niece some tie-dye jumpers, start her off on the right foot.

  4. sex, friends, food, laughs, music, books, art, good weather, learning neat things, neat people (like doug :) ) the fact that i am too stubborn to stop.

    but what really gets me out of bed everyday?............having to pee.

  5. there is a book coming out called "this is burning man" sometime this year. i read the advance copy (the only good thing that came out of my shortlived job at kw chapters) and it really made me want to go. i would definitely like to go. what about music camp? we can wear costumes that are band related and make huge working instruments. (who cares if they sound good)

  6. people on the board are good at this! i have my second interview tomorrow (that's thursday) at 9:30am, and it is with the two circulation supervisors and the head of human relations. i am so scared i could pee my pants. i just registered for my next semester of library school today too, man i am all about the library!

  7. some day, i will also finish college at 27. but today i registered for only one course for the fall as that is all i could afford, damned unemployment! oh well, i still got four years!

    congratafrickinlations! and have fun camping, you earned it (unless you cheated your whole way through like i plan to do)

  8. i know that in the aristocrat there is always lots of drugs, booze and whoring going on all the time, even when it is parked in ike's driveway. so, who's coming to tp this weekend?

    that's all my dirt. i suck. oh yeah, mark wilson's mom does his laundry. :)

  9. i gave the finger to a hell's angel for the second week in a row! i love being cute and being able to get away with stuff! this guy laughed his ass off at some drunk little hippy giving him the finger! i think i have found my olympic event, it's more dangerous than mullett touching even!

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