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Posts posted by Diggzz

  1. He is also the main commnetator for UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships) Not only that but he has been around UFC since it's inception and still regularly TRAINS with many of the fighters. I saw a video clip of him at some radio station and he put the radio guy out with a choke hold in about 10 seconds...

  2. Sorry D, I just know that without the Liberals being in a minority position, they'd strive to do as little as possible, except get rich(same as every other party in power) that's why i prefer them in a minority postion, forces them to do good for all of us, which they have, no complaints there except for all the legislation the died due to the election that they never had any intention of putting though just paraded out at the last minute so they could say "Oh we were going to do this but now we can't because of the election" I hate it when any gov't pulls this kind of con, they should be working their asses off every day to pass legislation to better our lives instead of hording hot button issues just to kill them to make the other guy look bad for calling an election, waste of our time. But i guess that's politics

    I agree 100% with everything you say, that is what is making this election decision so difficult, I support a lot of the Libs positions, I am also very disillusioned by the lies/wastefullness and obvious attempts at vote buying that, as you said, have no hope in hell of ever seeing the light of day.

  3. Thanks for that explaination, if someone has put the time in to form an educated opinion based on facts (which you have done) I have no problem with using that argument. My fear is for the apathetic voters who are voting based on the devil we know vs. devil we don't know argument.

  4. Everyone uses this devil we know vs. the devil we don't know arguement. How can you possibly know what the Conservatives will do, seeing as they haven't been in power for 15 years. I'm curious as to what people are basing this argument on (not trying to single anyone out, this argument has been made by many people at different times)

  5. Toronto coach Pat Quinn sends scouts out around the World looking for a new center to hopefully help win Toronto the Stanley Cup.

    One of his scouts informs him of a young Iraqi center who he thinks will turn out to be a true superstar. So, Pat flies to Iraq to watch him and is suitably impressed and arranges for him to come over to the ACC.

    Two weeks later Toronto are down 4-0 at home to Montreal with only 8 minutes left. Pat gives the young Iraqi center the nod to go on and he

    puts him on in place of Sundin. The lad is a sensation, scores 5 in 8 minutes and wins the game for Toronto.

    The fans are delighted, the players and coaches are delighted and the media love the new star. When he comes off the ice he phones his Mom to tell her about his first day in the NHL "Hi Mom, guess what?" he says. "I played for 8 minutes today, we were 4-0 down but I score 5 goals and we won. Everybody loves me, the fans, the players and the media, they all love me".

    "Great," says his Mom, "let me tell you about my day. Your father got shot in the street, your sister and I were raped and beaten and your brother has joined a gang of looters, while you were having a great time".

    The young lad is very upset. "What can I say Mom, but I'm so sorry". "Sorry?!" says his Mom, "It's your damned fault that we moved to

    Scarborough in the first place!

  6. The most recent murder in TO was performed by a young man (being recruited by NCAA baskestbal teams no-less) who was charged about a month ago for carrying a concealed, loaded, cocked, gun with serial numbers scratched off, he also tried to evade the cops. He was charged with 10 different offences. He was out on bail within 24 hours. Problem with the gun or problem with the system?

  7. probably just prize money i think. either way it's not good, but ya have to move on, changes need to be made and I believe they will be made by the end of season. (I think Fergie might retire, and the new manager needs to clean house IMO)

    Silvestre is one of the scariest defenders in the world - just BRUTAL!!

    Rio was great watching their first one go in

  8. This really doesn't affect their bottom line as much as you think. If they went to the finals they could have benefitted from about $16 million, however if they had of qualified and lost in the first round (whicj I have to admit they probably would have) they only stand to lose about $2 million. They didn't desrve it last night, absoultely zero contribution from the midfield bar Scholsey. You got issues when Roon is constantly coming back to his own 18 yard box to pick up the ball.

  9. I hear what you are saying and I must admit that i don't seem to have the full knowledge on the subject that you do, but these are problems that have been going on for 15+ years and the solution has always been to throw more money at it, which obviously isn't working (or the money just isn't goin where it's promised/needed). That to me seems to be the Libs only solution to the problem right now, throwing $$$ at it, like the gun registry, it sounds great all this money being pledged but it's not getting the job done.

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