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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD

    Praise for Oink

    i did it! now my question is, how does OiNK update to find out that I'm (hopefully) clever? I'm seeding 3 seldom-wanted torrents right now, just wondering how I can test this out... Thanks for the kick in the pants, this is a monkey off my back. AD
  2. AD

    Praise for Oink

    hold the phone, i just magically logged in.... this feels dangerous don't know what i'm doing......
  3. AD

    Praise for Oink

    been through all that before, can't login through web browser to the best of my knowledge because ISP won't provide me with user name and password. i've tried to find out the required info on other messageboards and from CIA.com directly but with no luck... i reallllllllllllly want to get clever though on OiNK, but right now it seems like it's not in the cards if I can't forward the ports AD
  4. AD

    Praise for Oink

    i don't have a router.... my setup goes modem - voip adapter - computer & phone i don't wish to sound ungrateful.. but all that is greek to me... i have no clue what that stuff means, WAN IP etc.... (what is the smilie for 'sheepish grin') i appreciate the help though!
  5. AD

    Praise for Oink

    it's not vonage, it's the voip offering from CIA.com (aka worst ISP to ever exist) but if you know how to get into the adapter without disconnecting my service that would be sweet, it's a linksys SPA2100 Phone Adapter i have all the instructions for logging into the thing and all, just don't have the user ID and password. i don't know if i have the SIP Proxy Address, the pamphlet says i need that too... anyways, thanks!
  6. AD

    Praise for Oink

    yeah, i can't log in to the adapter to forward ports. they won't give me the login info.
  7. AD

    Praise for Oink

    my voip adapter's setting are locked by the provider, so i am forever 'non-clever' as long as i'm with my current ISP.
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