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Everything posted by TimmyB

  1. I haven't traveled this road in a while, but I felt that after Basher dumped half of a bottle of water on my head nearing the end of the Burt Neilson Band at the Opera House on Friday night, it was time for me to return. I really don't know why he did it? Was it because he was giving me shit for not being around the Santuary? Was it his way of saying hello? Or was it only because Basher was being a drunk fool? I don't feel that it was any of those things, well maybe it was bit of all of those things. Either way it made me realize that though I don't have the spare time that I have had in the past, I should definitely make time for this community, as each and everyone of you are beautiful people (In spirit, some of you are more beautiful than others physically). So though I didn't ask to be baptised by Basher on Friday night, I'll play the part of the prodigal son and come home, I just hope father bouche will have me? Peace and Love, TimmyB
  2. Happy 61st Birthday Neil, May you have many, many more in health and happiness. TimmyB www.billboard.com THIS DAY IN MUSIC For Sunday November 12, 2006. 1945 - Neil Young is born in Toronto.
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